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Week 14: Very Best Chocolate Fudge Cake

Hello everyone and welcome back for Week 14!

This week’s bake sounds incredible – the Very Best Chocolate Fudge Cake! The description of the cake claims that it’ll “become your favorite chocolate cake recipe,” so we’ll see if it lives up to this claim and the name itself!

First and foremost, this blog is a little shorter than most considering this cake is (pretty much) a dump cake! I say “pretty much” because there is one additional step before you dump everything together, which I found interesting. The first step is to boil a few tablespoons of water and combine it with sifted cocoa powder. Once this is nice and smooth, then you can add in the rest of the ingredients.

I did decrease the amount of baking powder from one teaspoon to ¼ teaspoon to hopefully help my sinking problem, but other than that, I kept the recipe the same, and you know what? I remembered to leave the butter out to soften this time! No butter chunks! Woo!

The recipe tells you to mix all the ingredients until you have a “smooth, thickish batter,” and I stopped mixing once it got right around brownie batter consistency. The batter had a nice chocolatey flavor, but, again, when I use cocoa powder in a batter, I always think it tastes more like cocoa powder than actual chocolate. We’ll see how it turns out!

I eyeballed the batter into two baking tins and tried to get them as even as possible. The recipe calls for 25-30 minutes baking time, and I checked it after 20 minutes. I realized then that the cakes weren’t as even as I’d hoped, because one was cooked through and the other had to stay in the oven for another 6 minutes. Tragedy did unfortunately strike tonight after so many weeks of good fortune… the cakes sunk! Boo! Thankfully, it wasn’t too much, and that just means I can put extra frosting in the middle to level it out, ha-ha!

For the frosting/filling, it was a super simple double boiler method with chocolate chips and double cream (again, double cream is just heavy whipping cream). You let it all melt together, let it cool for a few minutes until it’s just shy of setting, and tah-dah! Delicious chocolate frosting/filling. I did, however, add a little too much whipping cream, so my frosting didn’t set properly, and it was a little liquid-y.

One thing I’ve noticed and mentioned in other recipes is that a lot of these call for a layer of warm apricot jam to be spread in between the cakes and the frosting. I tried it with a few recipes (including the disastrous Week 6 Battenburg Cake), but it didn’t seem to add anything to the flavor or texture, so I didn’t use it this week. If you’re a big lover of apricot, you might notice a difference, but to my taste buds, it’s not worth it!

Overall, I’d give this recipe a 3/5! It had a nice chocolatey flavor and was really gooey on the inside, especially with the frosting, but it didn’t really live up to the “very best” title. I was going to give it a four because it was super easy to make and it did taste good, but I gave the Week 13 Chocolate Mousse Cake a four, and this week definitely didn’t get anywhere near the loveliness of last week.

I’d definitely suggest making this cake for a special occasion! It’s really easy and quick to make, and it’s definitely a good option for chocolate lovers. I’d even serve it with some whipped cream or ice cream!

I would like to point out that this is a bit of a bittersweet week. It’s the last bake of the Chocolate Cakes chapter! I’m sad to see all these chocolate-focused goodies leave, but I’m excited to get to new chapters and baking adventures! Make sure you check back in next week to see what new treats I have in store!

That’s it for Week 14, the Very Best Chocolate Fudge Cake! Thank you for following along with me, and, again, if you have any questions, feel free to use the “Get in Touch” feature on my “About Me” page and subscribe to get updates on posts!

See you next week!

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